Twice But Nice Scholarships
Deadline for the 2025 Scholarships is June 15, 2025.
Two (2) scholarships will be awarded annually in the amount of $5,000 each. One scholarship will be available for a student attending an accredited college or university (Anne Springman Scholarship). One scholarship will be available for a student attending an accredited technical institute, trade school or apprenticeship program (Lesley Macmillan Scholarship).
If there are no applications received for one of either the college/university scholarship or the technical institute/trade school, apprenticeship scholarship, Twice But Nice (TBN) may choose to award both scholarships to students choosing the other option.
Scholarships will be presented upon confirmation of enrolment at the college, university, technical institute, trade school or apprenticeship program to which the scholarship recipient has applied.
This annual scholarship is open to all graduating students from any Fort Saskatchewan high school.
Students that live within the Fort Saskatchewan Senior High Attendance Boundaries, but have attended a designated program at a high school outside of Fort Saskatchewan to achieve a high school diploma, been homeschooled or attended Fort Saskatchewan Outreach they are eligible to be considered for a scholarship.
Other current designated programs include Full-time Second Language Immersion programs, Francophone programs, Full-time International Baccalaureate programs, students on an international exchange in their graduating year, hospital-based programs, Full-time Special Education Programs, and students registered in a Full-time program at Strathcona Christian Academy or another accredited Full-time religion-focused program.
Students may apply in their graduating year or within one year of their graduation if they have chosen to upgrade and/or to take a “gap year” prior to attending a post-secondary program.
Students must verify their acceptance by and attendance at the accredited institution to which they have applied.
Attend the TBN Annual General Meeting (typically in March) following receipt of the scholarship to share how the funding impacted their education. If unable to attend a report is to be submitted to the TBN Board.
Twice But Nice is a non-profit organization, where we accept donations for resale in our thrift store which enables us to provide grants back to our community in addition to household items and clothing to those on an emergency basis. Our focus is helping those in need, hence primary criterion and weight will be evidence of financial need, leadership, service, and volunteerism by the applicant.
Final grades/marks are important only to the extent that a recipient must have achieved the necessary grades for acceptance into the post-secondary program of choice.
Whenever possible, the cheque and Scholarship Certificate will be presented during award ceremonies at the recipient’s Fort Saskatchewan based high school.
If a recipient attends a school program outside of the City of Fort Saskatchewan, a location within the Fort Saskatchewan community will be selected for the presentation ceremony.
Selection criteria used in ranking and choosing applicant will include the following (note- weighting criteria is in brackets):
Application must use the fillable word document application below – no handwritten applications will be considered.
Application must include letters of reference – ensure all letters of reference are provided on company/school/organization letterhead (not a forwarded email).
Application must include conditional letter of acceptance and tuition deposit from their college/university.
Application must include official transcript of marks (interim report card is acceptable).
Application must include all documentation – applicants with missing documentation will not be considered for applicable scholarship.
Application along with all required documentation must be combined into one printable pdf document (attaching multiple documents in multiple electronic forms to the email is not acceptable).
All applications must be sent electronically to the correct email. Paper copy drop offs at the store will not be considered.
If there are no applications received for one of either the college/university scholarship or the technical institute/trade school, apprenticeship scholarship, Twice But Nice (TBN) may choose to award both scholarships to students choosing the other option.
Scholarships will be presented upon confirmation of enrolment at the college, university, technical institute, trade school or apprenticeship program to which the scholarship recipient has applied.
This annual scholarship is open to all graduating students from any Fort Saskatchewan high school.
Students that live within the Fort Saskatchewan Senior High Attendance Boundaries, but have attended a designated program at a high school outside of Fort Saskatchewan to achieve a high school diploma, been homeschooled or attended Fort Saskatchewan Outreach they are eligible to be considered for a scholarship.
Other current designated programs include Full-time Second Language Immersion programs, Francophone programs, Full-time International Baccalaureate programs, students on an international exchange in their graduating year, hospital-based programs, Full-time Special Education Programs, and students registered in a Full-time program at Strathcona Christian Academy or another accredited Full-time religion-focused program.
Students may apply in their graduating year or within one year of their graduation if they have chosen to upgrade and/or to take a “gap year” prior to attending a post-secondary program.
Students must verify their acceptance by and attendance at the accredited institution to which they have applied.
Attend the TBN Annual General Meeting (typically in March) following receipt of the scholarship to share how the funding impacted their education. If unable to attend a report is to be submitted to the TBN Board.
Twice But Nice is a non-profit organization, where we accept donations for resale in our thrift store which enables us to provide grants back to our community in addition to household items and clothing to those on an emergency basis. Our focus is helping those in need, hence primary criterion and weight will be evidence of financial need, leadership, service, and volunteerism by the applicant.
Final grades/marks are important only to the extent that a recipient must have achieved the necessary grades for acceptance into the post-secondary program of choice.
Whenever possible, the cheque and Scholarship Certificate will be presented during award ceremonies at the recipient’s Fort Saskatchewan based high school.
If a recipient attends a school program outside of the City of Fort Saskatchewan, a location within the Fort Saskatchewan community will be selected for the presentation ceremony.
Selection criteria used in ranking and choosing applicant will include the following (note- weighting criteria is in brackets):
- Financial need of the applicant (30/100)
- Community/School Involvement:
- Leadership (5)
- Volunteerism (10)
- Community activities, clubs & groups (5)
- Letters of reference from any two or more of the following (5):
- Teacher
- Coach
- Group leader of a group to which you belong.
- Clergy
- Volunteer Coordinator
- A person (not related to you) who has impacted your life or whose life you have impacted.
- Work Experience (Information and comments supplied in the application related to their career goals) (20/100)
- Personal Challenges (15/100)
- Marks (An interim report card of marks is to be attached to the application. An official transcript may need to be provided upon request.) (10/100)
Application must use the fillable word document application below – no handwritten applications will be considered.
Application must include letters of reference – ensure all letters of reference are provided on company/school/organization letterhead (not a forwarded email).
Application must include conditional letter of acceptance and tuition deposit from their college/university.
Application must include official transcript of marks (interim report card is acceptable).
Application must include all documentation – applicants with missing documentation will not be considered for applicable scholarship.
Application along with all required documentation must be combined into one printable pdf document (attaching multiple documents in multiple electronic forms to the email is not acceptable).
All applications must be sent electronically to the correct email. Paper copy drop offs at the store will not be considered.

2025_tbn_scholarship_application.docx |