Reuse Life Cycle
When we receive items at Twice But Nice, they are first sorted into what we can and cannot accept/sell in our store (unacceptable items are "downlined" where they are picked up by Diabetes Canada, Bissell Center, etc - kept out of our local landfill). Acceptable items are then priced before being placed on display. Then a customer sees an item they need or love.....or both! They purchase it and take it home. This gives our customers some fantastic new purchases to find new life and puts fewer items into our landfills!
There are so many benefits of reusing over recycling. The main benefits include:
- It causes much less or no pollution
- It uses less energy
- It is less expensive
- It encourages quality over quantity
- It is friendlier
- It is more responsible
- It is a lot of fun! Especially shopping at Twice But Nice!